Friday, October 3, 2014

This blog has been risen.

This blog will probably be the version 2.0 of everything.

But first, let me tell you a story on how I retrieve this blog.

I was scanning at Facebook, I entered a group named "USEP Popular Stories" and all. When I scanned, one post got my attention. It was about a specific section in our school publication's work. It was about the reaction of the post-er of it... and shared it on Facebook. I know we are in a democratic country, we have the freedom to express. So, as I have the right to express myself. I opened the given link below the post and this Blogger site had appeared in the monitor. I was trying to compose my comment about her blog. As I was about to post the comment, the lower part of the comment box form there was a list options having sites like Google and such things. And because I have my Google+ account, I chose it and probably I tick it. After some minutes, I scanned the site and searched for my comment... it didn't appear instead the list options have "ell.oww.vii.ii (Google)" so I composed my comment again and for the second time I clicked the POST, I found it on the site. Oh well. :)

As I realized I have a blog in this site... so I changed some of my profile.
As I scanned the site, my profile. I saw my last posts. For Pete's sake! It was like a disaster. But deleting it didn't cross my mind. It was 4-5 years ago since the last time I posted in here. 
I was like: "WAS THAT REALLY ME?"
It was the time when the ToGgLe CaSe was still trending or most commonly called as "JeJeMoN" in Philippines. UGH! I was really a dumb hotel since then. Lol. Reminiscing. :))

And as my NEW username and blog set was created... probably a better version of blogging will be established.

Language used will still be in no particular, whether in Filipino or English... but mostly English. HOPEFULLY! :)


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